Researching language learning
and language education
Organised by Sandie Mourão and Catarina Castro
16 July 2024 – 09.15 to 16.45
Venue: Zoom

For this edition we have chosen to focus on a broad topic, ‘Researching language learning and language education’. The day will open with Dr Margarida Morgado (Politécnico de Castelo Branco), who will speak about “Bringing together student teachers and in-service teachers through Virtual Exchange: The VALIANT innovative approach to teacher education”. The closing keynote is by Dr Catarina Castro (Politécnico de Leiria), who will be sharing her research into Portuguese as a foreign language, “O ensino baseado em projetos na aprendizagem de Português como língua estrangeira por alunos chineses no ensino superior”. The schedule is attached.
The seminar is open to all CETAPS researchers and doctoral students, but registration is required.
To register, please complete the google form here. Registration will close on 15 July 2024 @ 17.00 (GMT).
We look forward to welcoming you to the Seminar on 16 July!
Click here for the Schedule and here for the Book of Abstracts